
Showing posts from January, 2016

Week of January 18, 2016

Period 1:  Math 9-12 Group 1 Students will continue to work various on evaluating expression skills/exponents skills throughout the week.  All assignments will be completed in class. Group 2 Students will be completing various activities on decimal skills throughout the week. All assignments will be completed in class. Group 3 Students will be completing various activities on addition/subtraction/multiplication/division/time/money skills throughout the week. All assignments will be completed in class unless otherwise noted.  Period 2:  Money Skills Students will be completing various money skills activities throughout the week.  All assignments will be completed in class unless otherwise noted. Period 4:  Geography 7 Please refer to Ms. Siobhan White's homework helpline. Period 5:  Math 7/8 Students will be completing various activities on decimal/multiplication/ time/money skills throughout the week. All assignments will be completed in class unless otherwise noted. Perio

Week of January 11, 2016

Period 1:  Math 9-12 Group 1 Students will review for Mid Term. Group 2  Students will review for Mid Term. Group 3  Students will review for Mid Term. Period 2:  Money Skills Students will review for Mid Term. Perio d 4:  Geography 7 Please refer to Ms. Siobhan White's homework helpline. Period 5:  Math 7/8   Students will review for Mid Term. Period 6:  Geography 7 Please refer to Mrs. P. Doc-Wade's homework helpline. Period 7:  Chemistry/Physical Science Please refer to Mrs. T. Sausser's homework helpline

Week of January 4, 2016

Period 1:  Math 9-12 Group 1 Students will continue to work various on evaluating expression skills/exponents skills throughout the week.  All assignments will be completed in class. Group 2 Students will be completing various activities on decimal skills throughout the week. All assignments will be completed in class. Group 3 Students will be completing various activities on addition/subtraction/multiplication/division/time/money skills throughout the week. All assignments will be completed in class unless otherwise noted.  Period 2:  Money Skills Students will be completing various money skills activities throughout the week.  All assignments will be completed in class unless otherwise noted. Period 4:  Geography 7 Please refer to Ms. Siobhan White's homework helpline. Period 5:  Math 7/8 Students will be completing various activities on decimal/multiplication/ time/money skills throughout the week. All assignments will be completed in class unless otherwise noted. Peri